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Project Update on the Research and Development Project LiqInject®

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The targeted, efficient use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture aims to ensure yield stability, process profitability, and climate protection. The objective is to increase nitrogen efficiency while simultaneously reducing the amounts of fertilizer used.

Since August 2022, the LiqInject® research project has focused on developing and validating a method for the precise placement of liquid fertilizer substrates in cereal crops. This includes the design and construction of a three-meter plot trial device for scientific testing. Additionally, work is underway to further develop and design a series-ready device for liquid fertilizer injection.

The FRANK Group’s role in the project has involved the development, design, and manufacturing of the injection shares. These were designed in consultation with project partners Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf and Siegwald Gerätebau, then produced and made available to the partners last year. Using these injection shares, a three-meter plot device for agronomic trials was set up at Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. In parallel, the partner Siegwald manufactured a six-meter working-width device, which is now in use by a contractor in the Freiburg region. Both devices were set up on time and were used for initial agronomic trials this year.

A current, preliminary agronomic evaluation of these field trials has shown that various environmental factors play a significant role in the application of liquid fertilizers. For this reason, data will need to be collected over several years to make reliable statements about the anticipated agronomic improvements and the technological implementation of the application method.

For detailed background information (in german) on the project, please visit:

BLE Project Database - LiqInject® Project
HSWT Research Project - LiqInject

(Photo courtesy of Daniel Frank, Biomass Institute, HSWT Triesdorf, 2024.)
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(Machine with 6 m working width - Photo courtesy of Siegwald.)
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(Machine with 6 m working width - Photo courtesy of Siegwald.)